Search The Med Tool

This tool is developed for being used under the Community Building activities of the BleuTourMed_C3 project. The Search_the_MEd tool embodies a fully customizable search engine providing access to a wide range of documents related to tourism sustainability issues with particular focus on Mediterranean.

Fishing Governance in MPAs: Potentialities for Blue Economy - Review of existing Mediterranean models of governance of Marine Protected Areas with artisanal fisheries
Pub Year:
Addressed Issues:
Clustering; ICZM; MSP
Sustainability Dimensions:
Environmental; Governance
Spatial Reference:
European International Mediterranean National Regional Macro-regional Local No; Local; Meditarranean; National; Regional
models of governance, MPA, artisanal fisheries, good governance, toolkit, local community, planning process, assessment, participation, private sector, small scale fisheries, stakeholders, co-management, collaborative management, protected area, fisheries restricted area, fisheries management, incentive, marine governance, Marine Spatial Planning, recreational fishery, sport fishery, subsistence fishery, territorial use rights in fisheries, Marine Protected Areas
Deliverable Match:
State of the art; Tool
Funding Scheme:
Interreg transnational
Interreg transnational MED
Project Title:
FishMPABlue - Fisheries Governance in the Marine Protected Areas: Potential for the Blue Economy

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