Search The Med Tool

This tool is developed for being used under the Community Building activities of the BleuTourMed_C3 project. The Search_the_MEd tool embodies a fully customizable search engine providing access to a wide range of documents related to tourism sustainability issues with particular focus on Mediterranean.

Guide methodologique pour l’?co-r?habilitation du patrimoine b?ti sur les chemins d'itin?rance turistique
Pub Year:
Addressed Issues:
Capacity building and stakeholder engagement, Resource management, Tourism Model
Sustainability Dimensions:
Economic, Social
Spatial Reference:
European International Mediterranean National Regional Macro-regional Local No, France, Regional, Spain
Deliverable Match:
Method, Tool
Funding Scheme:
Interreg transnational
Interreg transnational SUDOE
Project Title:
ECOARQ - Aplicaciones de eco-rehabilitaci?n en la arquitectura tradicional del SUDOE

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